What is Comfort Cash?

Terrell E. Moseley, Inc. has certified HVAC technicians equipped to handle your AC installation near Timberlake VA.The Answer Guide

What is Comfort Cash?

How do I earn it?...How can I spend it?

Comfort Cash is Terrell E. Moseley, Inc. customer rewards program. It’s our way of showing appreciation to you for your business and for your referrals. Comfort Cash can be used to reduce the cost of equipment replacements.

A Few Facts

  • You should have your cooling system serviced every spring and a service and safety check performed on your heating system every fall. Annual maintenance pays for itself in operating cost savings during the peak season alone. Empirical university and utility research found operating cost savings of $32.76 per month from annual maintenance. A service agreement makes it automatic.
  • Not only should you have maintenance performed, most heating & air conditioning equipment warranties require maintenance to remain in effect.
  • Heating and air conditioning systems work hard. They are cycling on and off, starting and stopping 4 to 8 times an hour. It’s like driving your car in city traffic and shutting it off at every stop light.

What is Comfort Cash?
Comfort Cash is a customer awards and loyalty program. It’s a way for you to earn discounts on future purchases. Comfort Cash only works with your company, but it is just like real cash. Use is limited to major equipment purchases, such as a new heating or cooling system. Comfort Cash can reduce the cost of a new system or help pay for extra features, such as whole house humidification systems, high efficiency electronic air cleaners to wash the air you breathe, energy recovery ventilation systems, inpidual room temperature zoning systems, and so on.

How do I earn Comfort Cash?
Comfort Cash is awarded when you enroll in our service agreement program. We give you $25 upon enrollment as a bonus and another $25 for the service agreement. We will pay you $10 every time you call us for non-maintenance service or repair work. When you refer one of your friends or neighbors to us (and they mention your name), we will send you $10 of Comfort Cash.

If it seems as though we are stressing our service agreement program with Comfort Cash, we are emphasizing it. We think it is critically important to give your heating system a cleaning, adjustment, and safety check every fall and your cooling system a precision tune-up every spring.

How do I get started?
Getting started is simple. Enroll in our service agreement program and you are automatically enrolled in the Comfort Cash awards program.

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